

Gynaecology is the area of focus of the Women’s Health Centre here at Hospital Picaso. Women of all ages may suffer from various health conditions affecting the female reproductive system. As such, routine screenings and checkups are highly recommended for early detection here at Hospital Picaso.


Common Conditions

Women are susceptible to cancers that are unique to their reproductive system. While cervical cancer and ovarian cancer are more common, a small percentage of women may also develop vaginal and vulvar cancer.

You may also see a gynaecologist for less life-threatening issues. Menstrual cycle Irregularities or excessive menstrual bleeding are conditions that can occur in female teenagers and adult women.

Other conditions which our gynaecologists can treat include:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Infections of the vagina, cervix or uterus
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • Urinary tract infection



Medication is prescribed for most infections that affect the female reproductive system. Surgical procedures are rarely required, but may be necessary depending on the condition.

Gynaecology services offered at Picaso Hospital include:

  • Advanced surgery
    • Robotic and minimally invasive hysterectomy
    • Robotic and minimally invasive myomectomy
    • Minimally invasive endometriosis resection
    • Minimally invasive cystectomy
  • Medication
    • Hormonal therapy
    • Pain management
    • Antibiotics
  • Physical therapy
    • Pelvic floor physical therapy
    • Lifestyle changes


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